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We come from the Earth and in the Earth, we go. When we come into this world, we are given a young body. Wouldn’t it make sense for what we give back to the Earth to be a body at the peak of its perfection?

Everything in our life is food or various degrees of food. Do we cook with love, in order to show our appreciation for the other person, or do we just eat to survive and carry on?

If everything in our life is food of various degrees, it would only make sense to think of ourselves as food as well, food for the Earth, and ourselves as chefs.

Are we loving enough to prepare a good meal for The Earth to enjoy when the time comes? Will we be proud of our accomplishment? Would we watch in delight as The Earth devours our body with a passion because it’s just that good and you have done a wonderful job?

Are we morally upright enough to consider our body as a debt (i know it’s one we didn’t ask for) that will get paid whether we want it or not. So if we’re here, we might as well pay it back from the perspective of a morally upright person, and give back something that makes us proud.

To me that is a good reason for fitness and taking care of our bodies, that goes beyond just “getting fit” and “healthy lifestyle” “beach body” bla bla. It gives a solid enough meaning for it to become a natural thing.


How do we know what The Earth wants? Is it able to speak in a language we understand, or are we ever even listening? What if he just wants a piece of fatty human to digest?

We consider what would be the best for the Earth, something we believe it’s best for us, but that’s not always the case. Take trees and plants for example, they exhale oxygen which is good for us, and take in CO2, which is not that good for us. That gets us to categorize inhaling and Oxygen as good while CO2 and exhaling as spent and wasted energy. But is it truly wasted when that’s necessary for trees and plants to live? Aren’t we giving them good energy so they can evolve? So why would we label ourselves as creators or waste and spenders of energy, when the more accurate view from my perspective is givers of life and manipulators of energy?

Our standards and our perception of what is good and what is bad might be totally opposite to the things surrounding us. So might as well do as we see fit.

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