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i was watching this movie, Romanian – called R.M.N. i don’t think i have watched a Romanian movie in ages. Wait, no, i have watched “Liceenii” (highschoolers) last week, but before that, it’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen one. “Liceenii” is one of those movies that i could watch forever and still feel the same. It’s just that great. A window view into a time not too long past, but which seems an eternity ago. It was a nice time, maybe a little more pure and a little less cluttered. It had it’s weaknesses, like all times in time, but the things that mattered then, look by far superior to the things that matter now, even though matter matters as it wish.

In this movie – R.M.N. – there’s this father seems a little hardened but loves his kid – a 6 years old. He was gone to work to Germany, but now after coming back, spends time with him. Teaches him how to setup traps in the woods, how to build a fire – he’s trying to prepare him for the world, to be able to take care of himself.

One of the scenes in the movie, is when Rudi (the kid) gets lost and everyone is searching for him, so the guy goes to the old quarry where he taught him how to make a fire, to the lake where he was teaching how to make drinkable water out of dirty one, and he finds the kid into the woods, where they previously setup a trap. Now a fox was caught in the trap and struggling and the kid was watching it from afar, but a little close.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. The father took out this machete, and handed it over to the kid without saying a word. i cringed because i was thinking of the worst. The kid raised the machete and cut the rope that was holding the fox in place.

At that moment i did not see that outcome, but i understood.

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