i have seen so many awful things. People doing awful things to other people and the way we usually think of things is moving forward – imprison, and punish people in whatever ways we deem fit.
i think the only effective way would be moving backward in time, unfolding that person’s life, and trying to pinpoint to the small things that made them who they are and that brought them to the moment when they did something terrible. i think there must be an event or series of events that led to this, and i’m sure that altering the series of events that built this spiral, would have a chance of awful things not occurring. i mean it would have to be someone very skilled at altering events properly, i mean, come to think of it, we’re talking about choices, someone made a choice for whatever reason to behave a certain way. It’s obviously not about “the right way” but about giving a person the opportunity and motivation to make the superior choice. There are always superior choices. Sometimes people give up, so maybe it would be nice if at that time when they’d need a reason not to give up, not to make a choice that is bad both for them as well as others, to receive a little mental boost and conviction, to do the thing that would benefit them most, regardless of the effort required. It’s evidently a rabbit hole of it’s own, and it would probably require many people going on many strands of time, sticking with a string of connected one-persons, it would require knowledge of free-will and ways of making adjustments without anything being owed to them, so that the people who’s lives have been altered don’t feel like they are under a leash of any sort, but fully independent, i think that could work.