i have been having these conversations with my significant other about the lawn in our garden, and she keeps telling me that the grass is not looking properly, we should hire someone to take care of it, that it’s not all uniform and good looking. And i agree to a certain extent, however i have come to the conclusion that all she cares about is how it looks on the surface, for her own pleasure and enjoyment. She doesn’t like going out and actually walking on the grass. She just wants it to look “good” whenever she looks at it.
i keep trying to explain that what i am doing by not cutting the grass every day, is allowing the grass to heal the earth.
Because i think about it in this way: if there’s patches of grass that don’t grow, that is not a grass problem, that is an earth problem. Earth has been doing a fine job at fixing itself, so why not do just the essential and not interfere too much in the healing process.
i don’t think i should be cutting the grass every 3-4 days, but leave it alone because once it grows, then it starts healing the parts around it. She is unable to see this, because the process is a little bit slow, but that is what is necessary to happen in order for the lawn to recover fully. i am interested in healing the ground first, and then we can start doing some trimming once in a while without overdoing it. It often seems like we think of ourselves that we know more of some things that were here before us and will be here long after we are gone, but we behave in a way that we think we understand them, even though we are not grass, neither earth, so all that we do in terms of “lawn looking good” is just for our own pleasure.
That’s not to say we shouldn’t do it, because if we started thinking like that we’d probably not do anything. All i am saying is maybe we should be a little more respectful of things when we do things, and just be aware that whatever we are doing we are doing it for ourselves, not for the grass, not for the earth, because the truth of the matter is, that we don’t know what the grass nor the earth need, or want, or even if they want anything at all.