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Numele lui este Ion

Numele lui este Ion: Mergand spre masina in parcarea de la Kaufland, l-am vazut stand jos langa locul unde se pun carucioarele. Am pus cele 2 plase cu cumparaturi in masina (ceva batoane de rom, seminte, niste suc, nimicuri) si am plecat sa duc caruciorul la locul lui, si l-am privit mai atent.

Manca dintr-o bucata de peste, si imbracamintea murdara tradeaza faptul ca strazile i-au fost casa de ceva vreme. Langa el e un rucsac, si pe jos e o foaie cu cateva icoane. La gat poarta o cruce pe un sirag de margele maro din lemn, iar barba lunga si gri e plina de bucatele de mancare. Am scos 20 lei din portofel sa ii dau, dar in acel moment am stiut ca trebuie sa il intreb cine e.

Mi-a spus ca il cheama Ion, si ca a lucrat la dat cu tarnacopul la caile ferate prin anii 80, dar fiind zilier (muncitor cu ziua, fara contract) nu are pensie si nici casa.

“Ce imi puteti spune despre parintii dumneavoastra?” l-am intrebat

“Tatal meu era om bun si cuminte. Facea oale si linguri si ne invata lucruri bune. Mama noastra era mai slaba, dar taica era bun cu noi. Tatal meu a murit cand avea 42 de ani. A lucrat la Negru de fum, si s-a imbolvavit. i-au facut operatie de 3 ori, si ultima data cand i-au facut operatie i-au facut pe pat, fara anestezic. Ca pe porc. La 3 saptamani a murit. Aveam 9 ani si mama m-a dat la camin (orfelinat). Acolo am invatat scoala, am facut 12 clase si 5 meserii. Mie imi placea tinichigeria. Am ajuns sa lucrez la fabrica, la construit baraci Aveam salariu bun si eram bine.”

“Si unde au mers lucrurile prost?”

“Iubeam fata frumoasa, si soacra-sa nu a vrut sa mi-o dea. Seful a vazut ca fac munca buna si vroia sa ma trimita sa lucrez la rusi. Am stat pentru fata si m-am mutat la Topoloveni, dar tot nu a vrut sa mi-o dea”.

Am stat si m-am mai uitat un pic la el, si la bucata de peste din care manca absent. si l-am intrebat daca pot sa ma duc sa ii cumpar de mancare ceva, si a zis ca daca vreau, el e multumit. i-am cumparat niste pui si mici cu cartofi prajiti, in 2 pachete, sa aiba si acum, dar si un pic mai tarziu, si o sticla de cola.

Cand i-am dat mancarea, mi-a multumit, si am lasat singurele cuvinte de plecare care aveau sens in aceasta situatie

Disturbing psychological facts

Guy wrote this stuff on Quora, and i came across it today. Or better yet, it came to my inbox.

i feel like young people should read this often until it all makes sense. Life would have probably turned out differently if i came across something like this sooner (or paid attention to such things being already written), rather than having to learn them through experiences, although, that ain’t bad either, but it would probably have put me far more ahead, earlier.

The Meet

The Meet

Outside, i carried my two carry-on luggages with books. In front of the wooden gate, from instinct, i almost thought i knew what i was doing. i pressed on this tiny piece on the big circular symbol with my mind and a door appeared to the right of the gate in the building next to it, and it opened. But then i knew i had no confidence in the people i haven’t seen and haven’t met, and the 2 people in front of me, the couple, were kind, so my books spread out on the flood and i started gathering them up, some of them with torn pages and some in bad shape, and i asked them if i could give them the two books for safekeeping. After a bit of deciding, not knowing if this wasn’t a too much big task and burdensome, they accepted.

i went in the side of the building and found a room with grey robbed men, looking surprised that their door was opened. They motioned me in, smiling.

i then entered the oriental-furnished room, with a large sofa in front of me and to the left. There was a younger older man with black grey beard sitting next to the old man with no eyes and grey white beard. “i think you should think i am scary” said he in a scary manner, but we weren’t scared, because we came there on our own volition to find. They all wore long beards and grey robes except for the one to the left, which sat facing the 2 men in front of me, but away from me, so i could not see his face but only his back. And he had short hair.

“Page 640, where is it?” Said He, looking through the Almanac i have given him, from the pile of books i carried with me, but left two of them out, given to the man and the woman outside, whom i knew very little, but trusted.

From the right side, another man with no face was sitting and from his side, he took out a long machete-sword which he gave it to the man that was scary. However, in a scary manner, the man that was i, came into the room, bringing the books, was seeking. He started walking forward with his short brown curly-haired head while tilting his body backward at 90 degrees and his hands started shaking and increasing in elasticity and size and soon he was losing form encompassing all in the room, transforming into ropes of shapes and various colors. Everyone was losing their minds but they had the power to separate. We split into strands rotating horizontally, in the same manner as the strands that kids would jump when they were kids, and the horizontal rotating movement of the strands made their minds separate from their bodies and merged into a black cloud that went searching.

Atop is where we were, a body separate from its mind, hanging on automatically from this flying balloon and jumping from balloon to balloon while i tried to catch him and merge back, as below the black cloud was moving aimlessly aiming at us, but ineffective because they were weakened of the effort.

They were 6. i never saw one to the right side when i entered the room, but i have seen his robes. Then there was one to the right of the room, that gave the sword, hidden, but he was there.

i merged with myself and continued on, weakened, above the rooftops and the balloons, while they were probably finding themselves.

The perks of being an adult

i was watching this movie, Romanian – called R.M.N. i don’t think i have watched a Romanian movie in ages. Wait, no, i have watched “Liceenii” (highschoolers) last week, but before that, it’s been quite a long time since I’ve seen one. “Liceenii” is one of those movies that i could watch forever and still feel the same. It’s just that great. A window view into a time not too long past, but which seems an eternity ago. It was a nice time, maybe a little more pure and a little less cluttered. It had it’s weaknesses, like all times in time, but the things that mattered then, look by far superior to the things that matter now, even though matter matters as it wish.

In this movie – R.M.N. – there’s this father seems a little hardened but loves his kid – a 6 years old. He was gone to work to Germany, but now after coming back, spends time with him. Teaches him how to setup traps in the woods, how to build a fire – he’s trying to prepare him for the world, to be able to take care of himself.

One of the scenes in the movie, is when Rudi (the kid) gets lost and everyone is searching for him, so the guy goes to the old quarry where he taught him how to make a fire, to the lake where he was teaching how to make drinkable water out of dirty one, and he finds the kid into the woods, where they previously setup a trap. Now a fox was caught in the trap and struggling and the kid was watching it from afar, but a little close.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. The father took out this machete, and handed it over to the kid without saying a word. i cringed because i was thinking of the worst. The kid raised the machete and cut the rope that was holding the fox in place.

At that moment i did not see that outcome, but i understood.

Considerations for fitness

We come from the Earth and in the Earth, we go. When we come into this world, we are given a young body. Wouldn’t it make sense for what we give back to the Earth to be a body at the peak of its perfection?

Everything in our life is food or various degrees of food. Do we cook with love, in order to show our appreciation for the other person, or do we just eat to survive and carry on?

If everything in our life is food of various degrees, it would only make sense to think of ourselves as food as well, food for the Earth, and ourselves as chefs.

Are we loving enough to prepare a good meal for The Earth to enjoy when the time comes? Will we be proud of our accomplishment? Would we watch in delight as The Earth devours our body with a passion because it’s just that good and you have done a wonderful job?

Are we morally upright enough to consider our body as a debt (i know it’s one we didn’t ask for) that will get paid whether we want it or not. So if we’re here, we might as well pay it back from the perspective of a morally upright person, and give back something that makes us proud.

To me that is a good reason for fitness and taking care of our bodies, that goes beyond just “getting fit” and “healthy lifestyle” “beach body” bla bla. It gives a solid enough meaning for it to become a natural thing.


How do we know what The Earth wants? Is it able to speak in a language we understand, or are we ever even listening? What if he just wants a piece of fatty human to digest?

We consider what would be the best for the Earth, something we believe it’s best for us, but that’s not always the case. Take trees and plants for example, they exhale oxygen which is good for us, and take in CO2, which is not that good for us. That gets us to categorize inhaling and Oxygen as good while CO2 and exhaling as spent and wasted energy. But is it truly wasted when that’s necessary for trees and plants to live? Aren’t we giving them good energy so they can evolve? So why would we label ourselves as creators or waste and spenders of energy, when the more accurate view from my perspective is givers of life and manipulators of energy?

Our standards and our perception of what is good and what is bad might be totally opposite to the things surrounding us. So might as well do as we see fit.

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