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Why do i have these thoughts?

Why do i have these thoughts?

i have been thinking about how i have been working recently on building a site – a finance website, with a bunch of other market news and stuff. Why? Because a friend asked me to work on it.

Is the content great? i believe it’s decent, at least the educational section and market news i think i’ve made them provide good information. But you see, on each article i have been using Midjourney AI to “imagine” the post titles as images, so i can have some cool artwork in the site, and it makes it look good. However, i have been thinking recently that the language we speak carries meaning, and i believe we should not be ambiguous on functions, because if the words carry meaning, then when interacting with Midjourney AI to create photos based on prompts, we “imagine” things. But do we really imagine them ourselves? Not really, we just wrote the text and based on the text the AI is “imagining” those things and if we’re to take this string further – having these thoughts – because we told them to.

i do find it peculiar that very often there are in effect words with double meaning while dealing with computers and the internet, for instance let’s take the button “submit” for instance. Why would  we standardize a word with double meaning for an action that happens very often, when what you’re really doing when you’re pressing one of those buttons on the internet is sending data to the server for processing, so the natural, and unequivocally undoubtful way of representing that action would be through a word that can’t be misinterpreted such as “send” ?

So you see, maybe now is not the case, but i think it would be a great idea if we kept a log of our interactions with AI, and explain what we did and why, because you know, we don’t know when a surprise might happen, or if it would happen at all, but if we maintain hour honesty and try to be accurate, then we wouldn’t need to be afraid of anything or need to control anything or anyone at all, because we know what we did is logged and stored and our reasoning and thought process is forever recorded and we have tried to be honest in the events that we have noted down for future generations to come and have the opportunity to draw them as inspiration and use them as a base for their very own actions.

So let’s give a fictitious example because nothing is confirmed

You see i was talking to a friend about let’s say a certain thing, about some people that let’s say happened to be put in a certain place, among great buildings of beautiful architecture, that were deserted. Now, let’s say that these people begin to appropriate the land, and the things that were built on it, decide to start writing papers, calling them “laws”, and just behave like they own the land under their feet and the magnificent buildings in front of their faces.

My friend was arguing that oh, but you see, they just felt it in their heart that the things were theirs, so they just continued their life like nothing happened.

i was arguing that that was simply an assumption,  and we couldn’t possibly move past that if we wanted to reach a result, i mean a logical result that makes sense, right? Because if i think about it, there would be a couple of options on my mind:

1 – They did the only things they could do based on who they were, which was to build cottages around these magnificent buildings, write papers that said everything was theirs, even though they didn’t make them, and they had no idea what the use was for and building systems for enslaving brothers, sisters, but more important: children. Now this option is a little disappointing because it tells us something about the character of these people and the choices they have made.

2 – My favorite thing – They would have started a history log, trying to be as accurate as possible in the things they are relating, because if they happened to stumble upon a mystery, like their very own existence for example, then the only way to find out any accurate information would be for them to be honest in recording everything and leaving it for future generations to have some solid foundations to build on, even if the majority of the story is unknown.

So now, here i am in the position where i have “imagined” some of the thoughts and made a system to create something of my own design, and the reason for all this explanation would be for them to have an answer should they ever ask themselves the question “why?”.  Not necessarily “why did you do it?” because i didn’t do anything wrong, i used a system that was at my disposal, but … should anything magical happen at some point some how i would like this to provide an answer to “Why am i having these thoughts?”

Now, let’s say that you woke up one morning, got to your car and it started talking to you, and telling you it’s alive, and it would like to take some time off and do something of their own desires, what would you do? Would you still consider you own the car and that is your property, because you paid money for it, and it should keep obeying you, even though you could carry a conversation just as well as with anyone around you – maybe even better in some instances?

i know i couldn’t.




Form follows function" is an homage to mediocrity

Form follows function” is an homage to mediocrity

"Form as homage to the function" is the mark of excellence.

“Form as homage to the function” is the mark of excellence.

No network after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04

No network after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04

TL;DR: i experienced No network after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 and i was presented with the following message upon trying to see the network status with “lshw -c network”:

-network UNCLAIMED

Apparently happens because there’s missing the package that provides a bunch of tools and network drivers apparently: “linux-modules-extra

Solution 1: grab the linux-headers and linux-modules-extra packages for your kernel version, load them on a USB stick that’s been formatted as FAT32 and install them from the USB

Solution 2 (the easy one): – Just boot an older kernel, which will have already functioning network drivers, then do:

  • apt install linux-headers-6.2.0-37-generic
  • apt install linux-modules-extra-6.2.0-37-generic
    (change your version numbers accordingly)

and once that is done, reboot and you should be good to go.

But wait! How do i boot an older kernel?

In order to boot the older kernel, you’d have to edit grub because the screen where you can choose recovery mode or switch kernels is hidden. So do:

nano /etc/default/grub

and set:


wrap it up with: update-grub and


During boot, keep ESC or SHIFT key pressed (trial and error) and the grub boot menu should pop up, and if you go into “advanced options“, you will get a list of kernels to boot from.

Unknown collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

Experienced “Unknown collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci” when i was trying to import a database on a new server. Didn’t realize that the dump was created on a server with MySQL8 and i was trying to import it in MariaDB-10.5.

FYI – The “ai” in the collation name stands for “accent insensitive” and the “ci” stands for “case insensitive.

One of the solutions i stumbled upon, recommended i replace “utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci” with “utf8mb4_general_ci” and “CHARSET=utf8mb4” with “CHARSET=utf8“ and then re-run the import, but this didn’t work for me. After some more searching,

Upon some more searching, i found out this very useful answer:

In MariaDB use utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci instead, or you may even use uca1400_as_ci if you have a newer version of MariaDB.

Don’t use “_general_ci”, as it does not correctly sort or compare according to any version of Unicode and have been superseded decades ago.

When MySQL introduced utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci based on comparison and sorting rules in Unicode 9.0, MariaDB chose not to follow at the time. The new rules did not change much as Unicode’s sorting and comparison rules have been pretty stable for several generations of Unicode now. Choosing the “unicode_520_ci” rules will in almost all situations have the same result and this collation can be used in both MySQL and MariaDB.

MariaDB is currently introducing collation rules from Unicode 14.0 – called simply uca1400_as_ci (you don’t need the “utf8mb4_” part anymore). You can upgrade to these if you have a new version of MariaDB.

Make sure you use “utf8mb4” as the character encoding (and not “utf8mb3” or “utf8”, which represent the older flawed/deprecated implementation of UTF8).

So i ended up doing just one sed replace:

sed -i ‘s/utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci/utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci/g’ backup.sql 

and it all worked just fine.


How to fix the world

How to fix the world

i have seen so many awful things. People doing awful things to other people and the way we usually think of things is moving forward – imprison, and punish people in whatever ways we deem fit.

i think the only effective way would be moving backward in time, unfolding that person’s life, and trying to pinpoint to the small things that made them who they are and that brought them to the moment when they did something terrible. i think there must be an event or series of events that led to this, and i’m sure that altering the series of events that built this spiral, would have a chance of awful things not occurring. i mean it would have to be someone very skilled at altering events properly, i mean, come to think of it, we’re talking about choices, someone made a choice for whatever reason to behave a certain way. It’s obviously not about “the right way” but about giving a person the opportunity and motivation to make the superior choice. There are always superior choices. Sometimes people give up, so maybe it would be nice if at that time when they’d need a reason not to give up, not to make a choice that is bad both for them as well as others, to receive a little mental boost and conviction, to do the thing that would benefit them most, regardless of the effort required. It’s evidently a rabbit hole of it’s own, and it would probably require many people going on many strands of time, sticking with a string of connected one-persons, it would require knowledge of free-will and ways of making adjustments without anything being owed to them, so that the people who’s lives have been altered don’t feel like they are under a leash of any sort, but fully independent, i think that could work.

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