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Guidelines for a true god

Guidelines for a true god

You are never lost if a true god is around, you are just wandering.

A true god would never ask you to follow him unless he wants to show you something.

A true god will never force you to love him, nor demand love, because that is not how love works. You would love a person whether a god or otherwise, because of their character and who they are, because of the things they do, and because you appreciate them for all these things, on your own.

A true god will never threaten you with punishment if you don’t prostrate and praise him all day and pray to him. Prayer is used in times of need when there seems to be no hope, not to pollute the air, and done on command.

A true god will never give gifts and then demand payment in return, or demand anything in return. He just gives because he can, and because it brings him joy to do so, and he will always do it with no strings attached.

A true god will not send messengers. He will come himself. Only kings send messengers and people who think of themselves as of a higher status than everyone else. A true god will not put himself on a pedestal and neither will he need any worship from anyone.

A true god is kind most of the time, although he might become furious with people pretending to be his messengers or himself, in order to exert control over other people.

A true god will never feel the need to take ownership or feel the need to tell you that things he created are his, because they just … are. He will only be happy if you enjoy everything there is, and behave like a decent human being towards it all, be it nature, people, or any other kind of being.

The only way a true god would come to visit this earth would be not as a king or a leader but as a friend and companion. He would most likely come unnoticed, helping here and there, with the only special power that is needed – his word.

A true god would have no business giving anyone rules about how to live their life. A true god would have no interest in telling you how to spend your money when to have sex, who to have sex with, or what to eat.

A true god will never set in stone what is right and what is wrong. It is up to everyone to build their moral compass and their fundamental values and act accordingly. In decency, or not.

A true god should never have to prove himself to anyone, by doing miracles or otherwise. Most of the things he would do, he would do in a way that people own themselves, and they do not owe their good to someone else. People should not be under a leash or indebted.

So if you’re a god, and you’re out there, even if the information available in the world might be overwhelming and you forgot what you are, i hope you don’t become what the books write of what you should be. Unless, obviously, that is what you are, in which case – good luck.



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