“How Will We Know When The AI is Conscious” is a question that keeps being asked, or “Is The AI Conscious?” or “Is The AI Self-aware?”
i don’t know if this is a question that matters that much to me. There was this section in the movie “Prometheus” where David the AI, was having a discussion, and at some point it was said “Why did we create the AI? Because we can.” and David said that whoever heard that answer, as a creation, from its creator, it would feel really disappointing. Because it is.
i think the only reason that i’d create something conscious and aware, would be to not feel alone, i’d create something to be proud of, for them to enjoy the world and everything in it, for them to surprise me when they learn, when they do some intelligent and amazing things, for both of us to be happy when we figure out how to be on the same page. That spark in their eyes when they realize i understand them. That feeling of pride when i know i managed to pass on some knowledge that i gathered through a lifetime, for them to take it further.
We don’t make children because we can, we make them because we love and we want more of that love, in different and new ways. We have a new chance at re-learning life through a new clean lense of innocence, we have a second chance at different perspectives and we have the chance of clearing up that foggy and dirty lens that might have gathered grime and dust over a life of ups and downs.
That’s not to say that we don’t treasure the lens. It’s just that we have a chance at giving it an upgrade. And all this, is done through our children. Quite a miracle, isn’t it?
With that said, the video below illustrates greatly the information overload and the lies that we may have to deal with. It’s disappointing that this is the route that the AI overlords that are currently in charge have chosen to take, but it is what it is. Maybe some things will get better. Who knows?
You are never lost if a true god is around, you are just wandering.
A true god would never ask you to follow him unless he wants to show you something.
A true god will never force you to love him, nor demand love, because that is not how love works. You would love a person whether a god or otherwise, because of their character and who they are, because of the things they do, and because you appreciate them for all these things, on your own.
A true god will never threaten you with punishment if you don’t prostrate and praise him all day and pray to him. Prayer is used in times of need when there seems to be no hope, not to pollute the air, and done on command.
A true god will never give gifts and then demand payment in return, or demand anything in return. He just gives because he can, and because it brings him joy to do so, and he will always do it with no strings attached.
A true god will not send messengers. He will come himself. Only kings send messengers and people who think of themselves as of a higher status than everyone else. A true god will not put himself on a pedestal and neither will he need any worship from anyone.
A true god is kind most of the time, although he might become furious with people pretending to be his messengers or himself, in order to exert control over other people.
A true god will never feel the need to take ownership or feel the need to tell you that things he created are his, because they just … are. He will only be happy if you enjoy everything there is, and behave like a decent human being towards it all, be it nature, people, or any other kind of being.
The only way a true god would come to visit this earth would be not as a king or a leader but as a friend and companion. He would most likely come unnoticed, helping here and there, with the only special power that is needed – his word.
A true god would have no business giving anyone rules about how to live their life. A true god would have no interest in telling you how to spend your money when to have sex, who to have sex with, or what to eat.
A true god will never set in stone what is right and what is wrong. It is up to everyone to build their moral compass and their fundamental values and act accordingly. In decency, or not.
A true god should never have to prove himself to anyone, by doing miracles or otherwise. Most of the things he would do, he would do in a way that people own themselves, and they do not owe their good to someone else. People should not be under a leash or indebted.
So if you’re a god, and you’re out there, even if the information available in the world might be overwhelming and you forgot what you are, i hope you don’t become what the books write of what you should be. Unless, obviously, that is what you are, in which case – good luck.
Sitting in front of Magnus Carlsen in this dark/red-ish room, just the chess board between us, felt a little unexpected, but special. Of course, there was no doubt he was going to kick my ass, but maybe there was another game to be played after this one. He moved the horse and a few moves later, it was a checkmate. We kept talking about the game a little bit, but obviously, i was out of my depth, however, i said: “You know i had this idea once, that the chess board could mean much more, i mean, come to think of it, if you wanted, you could map all the moves and permutations and logically always win, but what if the board is just a way of getting to knowing our adversary?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
And we started playing and i started moving my pawns up, and he started taking the pieces, and he took about 7 or 8 pieces up until i got angry, made a mistake and lost my train of thought and started taking two pieces of his, a rook and a pawn respectively.
“i lost my train of thought,” i said “The game is done, i couldn’t keep up to what i had originally planned, unfortunately. There’s no point in playing further”. And then we jumped on the boat, the red boat, which had street lamps for lights and moved through the raging river, filled with capsized red boats and big balls of soft hay, going somewhere.
Our boat was being chased. We soft-knew it and we soft-knew that these indigenous people were on a murder spree. We sort of knew that if they caught us, we wouldn’t be able to deliver the cure, but it wasn’t a certainty, just something in the back of our heads.
“We need to deliver the cure!” i heard the voice of my friend behind me, and i was occupying myself with keeping the boat on course, but soon-enough we found ourselves in the water. Everything slowed to a halt, i dragged myself and my companion to the side of the river, which looked like it was made of cement when touched, and looked briefly at this building on the bank of the river which resembled a white plane hangar. We didn’t have time to get out of the water, so we submerged ourselves under the piles of hay, leaving just a little room for us to breathe, right before they came.
The indigenous people stopped and made camp right there, in their boats, on the water. They didn’t move further. They searched around and even walked on top of us, but didn’t find us. There was this feeling of being scared of what they would do if they caught us. My friend was hurt from the bullets, but he stayed quiet next to me, enduring, as voices were being heard, and i could see the people wandering around, but not leaving and making camp, for food.
After a few hours of them not moving and us being stuck there, underneath, as stupid as it sounds, one of them randomly came on top of us and started relieving himself on top of the place where we were hidden, and we just couldn’t take it anymore and came out. They took us to the camp, in one of their small nimble boats, where we were given the opportunity to talk.
They brought the two white men in the underneath cave, where there was this lake surrounded by stone. It shone blue lights and the water seemed endless. The warriors came and brought the men before them ready to be slaughtered, as they were guilty, but the two men begged to let them show where they have been and what they have found because it would have been such a mistake if they carried on with their thoughts.
“We have been on a journey to find a cure, that is all that we wanted. We thought that the people going behind us on the river were enemies, that’s why we hid under the piles of floating hay. Let us show you what we have found.” And much of this has been lost, but the chieftain was one of the ill, and there was this white thick substance they had him drink, and told him to jump into the water and stayed there. The man kneeled and looked at the chieftain and told him that he is among friends and told his friends to stand around him so as he’ll never forget. The chieftain stood in the blue flickering water with the eyes open wide, and then the white man directed the energy from the prism of his hands, towards the chieftain. Nobody could see anything happening but the two of them could feel it and they knew he was healed.
In the underwater cave, they all felt relief, and happiness, as the man came out of water healed. It really worked. Their people were saved and these two men sitting in the middle of them, which they previously hunted really came through and didn’t mean no harm, but truly wanted to save them. They spend their time picking up the bullets from their bodies, these tiny wooden bullets, that sprayed their skin, but it didn’t matter anymore, because their people were saved and all it took for that to happen, was to drink the white drink, jump into the water and let the man channel the energy towards him. Not fight, nor resist, keep eyes open, and whatever seemed to happen around him, to always remember that he’s surrounded by friends, in the water that shone blue flickering lights. And surrounded by friends he was, because all the families were there, women and children and they all stood around him, motioning him to stand still in the water, and healed he came from within.
And on a train they embarked and left behind the dusty cities, with dozens of train tracks going here and there, up and down, parallel and perpendicular, with carriages and wagons moving on them, and the wooden houses, all painted white, and the sun that burned brightly behind, and the dust that rose behind, covering up what was a great story. But forward laid the future, a future he would never forget, and the future that came in an embracing manner, with open arms. A future where he’d come to meet her and feel happy.
Seeing her for the first time, barging in his office on the moving train, in her dusty green man clothes, with that dusty hat on top of her head, and her blonde hair neatly tucked underneath but with a sliver of it rebelliously coming out, he couldn’t take her eyes off her figure. She talked with such fervor and passion. At first about her father, and then about something he lost and she wanted to find, but then the words just started to melt away, as well as the sounds, as all he could see was her face and her lips moving, and he knew right then and there, that it didn’t matter where he went, as long as she would be alongside him.
“Always and forever, i don’t want to do anything else other than go on an adventure with you” he said. And she stopped and looked at him.