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We, as humans, we don’t really know what others think. And when i say others, i mean other animals.
You know, we’ve probably gone in nature and seen other animals eat each other and we thought “hey that’s okay, i should do it too”.
We’ve never considered if we should do it though. We take it for granted. That is how it is, that is how it’s done.
i wonder, i just wonder, how would it be that when you’re facing the animal you gonna kill, in order to get your sustenance, that you’d be able to speak to them, get to know them, see what they are about. How their life is. And then tell them that you will kill them, because you need to eat in order to survive.
i wonder how that dialogue would go.
i wonder of so many things, but it just feels like i am wondering alone. This is not how it should be. it feels so wrong. We have lost respect for one giving their life in order for us to live. It’s all an automatic process we take it for granted. Meat comes from somewhere, we don’t care, it comes from a place we don’t know and we’re not in contact with, we just take it and make a steak and get on with our lives.
But it didn’t, did it? It came at a cost. A cost we seem so happy to pay, because the cost is in money.
Are we really paying in money though, or money is just the intermediary, something we think finalizes the transaction and disconnects us from the act of killing in order to ensure our existence?
i mean if you think about it, it sounds a little bit ludicrous, like: “but i didn’t do the killing” and still “you did the paying” so are you less guilty?
i am not a hyppocrite. i am writing this piece while eating a piece of dried fish. To be honest, it’s the act of eating the dried fish, that got me thinking. And i’ve been wondering if the fish that is now ensuring my continuity, would be happy, knowing i thought about it. It’s a delicious piece of fish, salty, but not very stiff, although, it makes me wonder. It makes me wonder if we truly appreciate the things we take in, for their sacrifice in order to keep us going.
You could always say: “there’s not been a sacrifice, we just caught them and ate them”, and you could think about it like that, but it wouldn’t do it more justice did it? i mean, you went out there in the ocean, lay a trap, and then like the sneaky person that you are, you collected on that trap and started eating. i mean, yikes, if you think about it that way, if you think about yourself that way, that’s a kinda shitty way of living isn’t it?
It’s still living nonetheless, and of course when you’re rolling around in Rollses, with crowns on your heads and golden watches on your wrists, you could think the bottom of the food chain is on top of the world.
And when i say bottom of the food chain, i mean you haven’t made any friends, have you? There’s the dogs, which you don’t really understand, and let me not get started about the cats. So if you really looked at things for a little bit, you’d realize you’re quite alone.
You’ve designed games to keep you company and created imaginary foes but none of that is real is it? i mean even you can understand that no matter how much you repeat a certain thing to yourself, if it isn’t it won’t become real.
So where do we go from here?
Anywhere you’d like. But it’s not like you know. And you will never know.
You know what the biggest scam in the world was like? It was when the first hunter decided to give it for gold or coins or whatever it may have been. That is the moment in time when respect for life was lost.
i would be curious to know who that hunter was and what were his motives for doing so.
i know you like to talk about how “we are one” “we are all the same” but we are not. it seems like you’d want to, but your disrespect for what it all means is what is blocking you from being.

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